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  • Peer-to-Peer Lending: A New Era for Indian Investors?

    Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending has emerged as a fascinating asset class in India, offering an alternative for both borrowers and investors. But what exactly is it, and how does it work as an investment option?

  • Secure Your Golden Years: A Guide to Corporate NPS for Employees

    Planning for retirement might seem like a distant concern, but the reality is, it arrives sooner than we expect. Corporate NPS (National Pension System) is an initiative designed to help you, the employee, build a secure and independent future. Let’s delve into how Corporate NPS empowers you and why you should consider registering.

  • Unveiling the Nifty 50 TRI: A Deeper Look at India's Total Return Champion

    The Nifty 50, a name synonymous with the Indian stock market, serves as a vital benchmark for investors. But what if there was a way to gauge the market’s performance with a more comprehensive lens? Enter the Nifty 50 TRI – an index that goes beyond just stock prices, offering a truer reflection of investor returns.

  • Riding the Waves: Unveiling Business Cycle Funds in India

    The Indian mutual fund industry boasts a diverse array of investment options. Recently, a new category has emerged – Business Cycle Funds. These funds aim to capitalize on the ebb and flow of the economic cycle, potentially offering investors an edge in navigating the market. But are they a magic bullet, or a risky proposition? Let’s delve deeper.

  • Anywhere But Home: Investing Lessons from an Ultra-Triathlete

    Anu Vaidyanathan’s “Anywhere But Home: Adventures in Endurance” might seem like a story solely about physical feats. However, for the discerning investor, there are valuable lessons to be gleaned from her journey as the first Asian woman to conquer the grueling Ultraman Canada triathlon.