InvITs in India - A Comprehensive Guide for Investors


Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) have emerged as a lucrative investment option in India, offering investors the opportunity to participate in the infrastructure sector’s growth while enjoying regular income streams. In this article, we’ll delve into what InvITs are, how they work, their benefits, and key considerations for investors looking to explore this asset class.

What are InvITs?

Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) are investment vehicles that pool money from investors to invest in infrastructure projects. These projects typically include assets such as roads, highways, power transmission lines, renewable energy projects, and more. InvITs are designed to generate income through dividends distributed to unit holders, primarily from the revenue generated by the underlying infrastructure assets.

How do InvITs work?

InvITs are established as trusts and are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). They are managed by professional asset management companies (AMCs) responsible for managing the trust’s assets and operations. InvITs raise funds by issuing units to investors through an initial public offering (IPO) or a follow-on public offer (FPO).

Once the funds are raised, the InvIT invests in operational infrastructure projects, generating revenue through toll collection, lease rentals, or other forms of income. The income generated is distributed to unit holders in the form of dividends, typically on a semi-annual or quarterly basis. Investors can buy and sell units of InvITs on stock exchanges, providing liquidity to their investment.

Benefits of Investing in InvITs:

  1. Stable Income: InvITs offer investors stable and predictable income streams generated from the revenue of operational infrastructure projects.
  2. Diversification: Investing in InvITs allows investors to diversify their portfolio by gaining exposure to the infrastructure sector, which has the potential for long-term growth.
  3. Tax Efficiency: InvITs enjoy tax benefits, such as exemption from dividend distribution tax (DDT) at the trust level, making them an attractive investment option for income-seeking investors.
  4. Professional Management: InvITs are managed by experienced asset management companies with expertise in managing infrastructure assets, providing investors with professional management and oversight.

Considerations for Investors:

  1. Risk Factors: While InvITs offer attractive returns, investors should be aware of the risks associated with infrastructure projects, including regulatory, operational, and macroeconomic risks.
  2. Asset Quality: Evaluating the quality of underlying infrastructure assets is crucial before investing in an InvIT. Investors should assess factors such as project viability, revenue visibility, and asset monetization potential.
  3. Market Dynamics: Monitoring market conditions and infrastructure sector trends is essential for making informed investment decisions in InvITs.
  4. Regulatory Environment: Changes in regulatory policies and frameworks can impact the performance of InvITs, making it necessary for investors to stay updated on regulatory developments.


Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs) present an attractive investment opportunity for investors seeking stable income and exposure to the infrastructure sector’s growth potential. By understanding how InvITs work, their benefits, and key considerations, investors can make informed decisions to optimize their investment portfolios.